Human Capital

In a fast changing environment you need to have the right human capital in order to stay on track and achieve your business goals. IT22 has you covered with professionals who are trained, certified and experienced to get the job done.

Find The Best IT Professional

IT22 is all about bridging the gap between digital specialists and great companies.

Partner up with us to find the best support you need to thrive and grow.

Why choose a professional form IT22?

IT22 has a pool of over 50 trained and certified specialists which are experienced in all modern cloud technologies. Wherever you are on your cloud journey we got you covered. Most of our specialists work remotely and can be deployed on your project quickly. No matter if you are looking to hire a specific professional or interested in an entire team, IT22 adds value with dedicated human capital solutions.

Our Specialists

IT22 offers a wide variety of specialists in multiple domains. Our most popular specialists include:

Cloud Architect

Linux Administrator

Openshift Administrator

Devops Engineer

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Cloud Administrator

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